Study for a better future with Clean Energy Processes

We hold a Zoom meeting for interested students who wish to apply for the B.Sc. or M.Sc. CEP. We will inform on both the B.Sc. and the M.Sc. programme, the application process and answer questions you might have. The meeting is held at April 2nd at 3 pm (CET, German time) online via Zoom. Pl...

Category: Allgemein

New: For examinations from the winter semester 2024/2025, three retakes will be possible instead of two. This does not apply to basic and orientation examinations (GOP) and final theses. And: there may still be special regulations for internships, field seminars and excursions. All information can ...

Category: Allgemein


Welcome to the website of Clean Energy Processes (CEP) Bachelor’s (B.Sc.) and Master’s (M.Sc.) degree programs. CEP focuses on sustainable production, distribution and utilisation of renewable energy for chemical industry, reflecting on changes to chemical processes. 

At a glance

  • Language: The B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs are both fully taught in English 
  • Regular period of study:
    • B.Sc. 6 semesters 
    • M.Sc. 4 semesters 
  • Fees: 
    • no tuition fees (why are there no tuition fees in Germany? Find out!) 
    • semester fees of approx. 67.00 EURO for all students (find out more about the living costs at FAU Website)
  • Both our B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs are accredited degree courses.

As a graduate of CEP, you will be able to

  • address and work on answers for current and future questions about production and use of energy and energy systems in chemical industry 
  • assess and incorporate socioeconomic, ecological and legal factors 

Comprehensive information on the B.Sc. and M.Sc. program can be found in the CEP program flyer.

FAU supports its commitment to making a positive impact in environmental sustainability and climate protection by its Green Office which is run by both students and FAU staff.


Students learning
Bachelor (B.Sc.) Clean Energy Processes
Master (M.Sc.) Clean Energy Processes











You have further questions? You can contact us via:

Dipl.-Kffr. Karin Jess

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering